What Others Are Saying
okay... first.... in the real pic... that c**k is disgusting....
geee, it's hard to write with such a thick pencil...
Why oh why, do some of these slags think that clueless, vacant expression is sexy???
are YOU smarter than a fifth grader?
she looks like she got down syndrome
WOW I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU JUST RICK ROLLED ME !!!!!!!! lol click the "previous" button it says lulz
working hard around the cock i mean clock
are you smarter than a ten year old?
well she is a blonde
i wish i was that guy
America, class of 2014. lol
Doing my homework
Original: http://cdn-nl1.imagefap.com/33a/full/270/270016645.jpg
I find this facial expression to be so relevant to my S.A.T.
WTH, she is a child or what?
who is this????
Wht a short pencil
Write bitch, write ! Faster ! Oh yeah.
THE ORIGINAL http://www.imagefap.com/photo/270016645/
I wish this pencil was a big black cock
whats her name?
her name is georgia peach
I'd fuck her
okay... first.... in the real pic... that c**k is disgusting....