What Others Are Saying
One happy gingerbread man
i wanna see the real image
In soviet Russia gingerbread man eats you
one happy gingerbread woman
hungry bitches
Not the gumdrop buttons! :(
"I always eat my gingerbread men crotch first!"
Correction: One lucky gingerbread man.
This actually IS the real image.
Shouldn't he look terrified...he is being eaten alive!
lmao this site is so twisted
Original: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cache.scbih.com/content/hg1/galleries/1055012/pics/13.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sapphic-erotica.com/sample/sapphic/1055012/NzE5NDozOjE,0,0,0,&h=1200&w=800&sz=114&tbnid=QbOmcvX1teym2M&tbnh=275&tbnw=183&zoom=1&usg=__8YlR81LZfTZPpkQwyK1Mhko4y0k=&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3KTTUMjaDcjxiQKbtoCQCg&ved=0CFsQ8g0
love how mellow he looks. awww yeeaaah, grrrrl.
Two girls: one cookie
nngh gosh those socks are super sexy~
eat dat cuckie haha
Those are either testicles or her neck has serious problems
One happy gingerbread man